20th All Classes AHS Alumni Holiday Get Together

AHS Holiday Get Together
Was Held Friday December 26, 2014

All AHS Alumni Holiday Reunion post created July 7, 2013, updated Nov 18, 2014 top

2014 Holiday Gathering Photos

DSCF0773 1982 Alum reconnecting at the 2014 All Ames High School Holiday Gathering #AmesHighClassof1982

Click the photo above to check out all the great photos from the 2014 All Class AHS Holiday Gathering held on Friday Dec 26, 2014. Sorry if we didn't get your photo this year, there were too many Alumni and friends attending the event to get everyone, maybe next year. Also,check out the Facebook page for this same 2014 Holiday event.

We had a blast again as usual, there were 110+ AHS alumni and spouses at the 2014 Holiday Gathering, some showed up early and had dinner at Olde Main, most were there at the appointed time of 7pm, and the crowd didn't start to thin until after 11pm. We were sad when it ended, but are looking forward to next year.

The ALL CLASS Get-Together was originally started by late 1970's and early 1980's AHS Alumni, but All AHS class years are encouraged and welcome. We were very happy to see representatives from every every decade from 1972 thru 2008 again this year!!

  • what: 20th annual AHS All Alumni HOLIDAY GET TOGETHER
  • who 1: All AHS Alum, significant others, friends, elves, whoever.
  • who 2: EVERY year is invited to attend, there is always a strong mid 70s to early 80s classes showing, but the younger classes have discovered us too! We need the 50's and 60's and early 70's AHS Alumni to discover this great get-together.
  • where: Olde Main Brewing Co. on Main Street in Ames
  • how: Cash (yours)
  • when: 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. (if we can find an after-gathering), Friday, December 26, 2014

A 20th anniversary message from Perry Beeman:

All Classes Holiday Get Together marks 20th Anniversary on December 26, 2014

What started as the Ames High School Class of '77's desire to hold informal gatherings in addition to formal reunions led to an all-classes reunion in Ames every holiday season. Perry Beeman and Julie (Anderson) Larson of the Class of '77 set up the original Friday evening gathering in 1994. They quickly decided to invite all Ames High School grads.​ Many Ames High grads don't want to wait until a formal reunion rolls around to chat, and this was a way to cater to those back for the holidays. The idea was to keep it simple: show up, buy your own refreshments​, no tickets, no fees, no fuss. Along the way, fellow Ames High​ grads Bill Nutty and Heidi Conis helped build the turnout, which now often is bigger than some formal reunions. "We began with 30 or so, mostly from '77, but it continued to build," Beeman said. "Let's just say I gained a lot of Facebook friends when word got around I was one of the organizers."

Last year, 2013, a crowd of 150 or so represented AHS​ classes from 1972 to 2008. Typically, the event occurs the Friday between the holidays, or whichever Friday seems to make the most sense. For convenience and tradition, the gathering has remained at Olde Main Brewing Co., 316 Main St., which is big enough to handle a large crowd and has a full menu. Details are always at www.ameshigh.org a year in advance. Still confused? Email Beeman at perrybeeman@gmail.com.

This year's gathering is Dec. 26, 2014. We'll look forward to seeing you. Please invite your classmates.

This is a really big deal !! This is the 20th, yes, the 20th All Class Holiday get together!

See you at the next GREAT AHS Holiday Gathering!

The All Class AHS Holiday Gathering is normally held the Friday between Christmas and New Year's. If the holidays hit that day (like it did in 2009 and again in 2010 and 2011) we will pick a different date, but this year date landed perfectly 1 day after Christmas on Friday December 26, 2014.

The 2014 Ames High School Alumni Holiday Gathering / Reunion night will be Friday evening, December 26, 2014 at Olde Main Brewing Co. in downtown Ames. We normally take over the place. It's simple, we set the date, you show up, buy your own food or drinks, and, if you're a big spender, for your friends. Then drink up (in moderation of course and we encourage soda pop or water), chat, and get caught up. This has been a meaningful, wonderful reconnection for many people, and we've had classmates from New York, California, Florida, Minnesota, Nebraska, Illinois and elsewhere attend. The holiday gathering got off the ground 18 years ago, in a small way and mostly involving the AHS Class of '77, but has become much more. "We started out with about 30 people a year, but in the last couple of years, this has really taken off," Beeman said. "I rely heavily on the this alumni site for email addresses - and beg people to update theirs -- and that helps. What really got this going, though, is the simple act of friends letting their friends know about it through personal email address books and phone calls. The alumni newsletter and the website also carry notices.


The idea for an informal All Classes AHS reunion came out of years of discussions among Perry Beeman, Julie (Anderson) Larson, Bill Nutty (all 3 from the AHS Class of '77) and others. The thought was to catch people while they were back in town for the holidays, and to have an informal, relaxing, annual fun gathering (i.e. reunion) for those of us who hate to wait five years for our own class gatherings to roll around. Finally, the trio of big talkers backed it up by actually planning an event.

Please help get the word out. Every year, we have hurt feelings because someone didn't didn't know about it. The more emails and phone calls, the better.


Details: Just like last year! Lots and lots of fun and reminiscing and catching up and meeting new AHS Alum. Plus, you see your friends from other classes who you normally don't see at your own AHS class reunion because this is an ALL Class AHS gathering. About 100 AHS Alumni turned out for the 2006 AHS Holiday event, and a record 110 turned out in 2007 from the AHS classes of 1967 to 2003. Some scholars think it might have even been more. The foggy weather caused attendance to drop to 50 in 2008, there was a good turnout in 2009, 2010 wasn't the largest turnout we have ever had, but there was a respectible showing of about 60 AHS Alumni in 2010. Perry says a lot of younger classes are showing up now too and it is harder for him to know who the AHS grads are, so maybe there were more than 60 classmates at the gatherings in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The 2013 All Holiday Gather had the largest attendence ever at 150+ alum, the AHS classes of 2008 and 1998 had big reunions the previous summer, so they both opted to also have Holiday mini-reunions over the holidays and piggy-backed onto our event, this was great! There were approximately 20 from 2008 and 20 from 1998, which bumped up our attendence by 40. This year, 2014, had a tie for the 2nd largest turnout ever, at 110+.


This is the age of disclaimers, and of course we have one too. This Get-Together is not sponsored by the AHSAA, or anyone else affilated with AHS. We just want to see all our great friends from AHS again.

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

Perry Beeman '77

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels

AHS 3-year-span Class of 1943 1944 1945 70-Year Platinum Reunion

AHS 1943 1944 1945
Was Held June 17-18, 2014

1943 1944 1945 reunion added May 18, 2014 top

You saved the date, you marked your calendar, you made your plans, it was 70 years since we graduated and we all made time for ...

The Ames High School combined classes of 1943 1944 and 1945
69th 70th and 71st Platinum Reunion, was held June 17-18, 2014

1943 1944 1945 70th Reunion Photos

Ames High School Combined Class of 1943 1944 1945 70th reunion group photo for AMES HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION newsletter

Click the photo above to check out all the great photos from the 2014 Combined AHS AHS classes of 1943 1944 and 1945 reunion held on June 17-18, 2014.

Schedule of Events

Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 4PM, Delta Viti 323 Main Street, Ames Iowa, wine and horsd’oeuvres

Wednesday, June 18 2014, 11:30AM Lunch at Green Hills, Ames, Iowa.

RSVP and Payment

Send a check for $18 to either Betty Grant Dixson or Mary Lou (Dahl) Fritsch Wheeler (addresses below).
RSVP by June 1, 2014 to either Betty or Mary, they would love to know a head count of who will attend.

Ames Historical Society

The Ames Historical Society is interested in your reminisces, they want to set up appointments with you.


Would a couple classmates please bring a camera to the reunion and take photos and group photos, then email to the AHSAA, by clicking the contact button on this page. Thanks.

Good 'ol Days

The #1 song 70 Years Ago in 1944 was "Swinging On a Star" by Bing Crosby. Other hits from 1944 are here.
The price of gasoline in 1944 was 21 cents per gallon.


Mary Lou (Dahl) Fritsch Wheeler 1944 AHS Alumna 5one5-2three3-3three09, 2401 Lakeside DR, Ames, IA 50010

Betty (Grant) Dixson 1944 AHS Alumna 5one5-2six8-52one9, 2429 Hamilton DR, Ames, IA 50014

Please pass this great reunion news along to fellow Ames High School classmates!

The 1943 1944 1945 AHS reunion committee might contact classmates via email. Please check your email on this website and update it if it needs updating. Read the box below to find out how.
Mary Lou (Dahl) Fritsch Wheeler '44

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels

AHS Class of 1954 60-Year Diamond White Reunion

AHS 1954
Was Held September 12-14, 2014

1954 AHS reunion post created July 7, 2013, updated July 8, 2013 top

You saved the date, you marked your calendar, and you made your plans, for ...

The Ames High School Class of 1954's 60th Diamond White Reunion
which was held September 12-14, 2014

Click to see all the names plus a larger image of the 1954 Ames High School 60th Class Reunion group photo taken on September 13, 2014

Click here or the photo above, after clicking, scroll down to see all 1954 AHS classmates names
from this 2014 60th reunion group photo, or click here to see the original sized photo.

Click to see a larger image of the 1954 Ames High School 55th Class Reunion group photo held in 2009. Photo by Robert Phillips Photography, Ames, Iowa

Click the photo above from the 2009 55th reunion to see a larger image

Please pass this great news about your reunion to fellow AHS classmates!


Mary Shahan m s h a h a n 1 0 2 3 (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Keith Covey k e i t h . c o v e y (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces

Mary Shahan '54

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels

AHS Class of 1959 55-Year Emerald Green Reunion

AHS 1959
Was Held September 12-14, 2014

1959 reunion added Feb 21, 2014 top
Save the date, mark your calendar, make your plans, after 55 years it is now time for ...

The Ames High School Class of 1959's 55th Emerald Green Reunion
was held September 12-14, 2014

Popular Songs 55 Years Ago: "SHAKE RATTLE AND ROLL" by Bill Haley and "THAT’S ALL RIGHT" by Elvis Presley
Price of Gasoline when you graduated: $0.40 / gallon

Please pass this great 1959 reunion news along to fellow 1959 Ames High School classmates!


Dave Posegate 1959 AHS Alumnus d p o s e g a t e (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
The 1959 AHS reunion committee might contact classmates via email. Please check your email on this website and update it if it needs updating. Read the box below to find out how.

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

Dave Posegate '59

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels

AHS Class of 1964 50-Year Gold Reunion

AHS 1964
Was Held June 13-14, 2014

1964 AHS reunion post created Jul 7, 2013, updated Oct 4, 2013, and again Aug 19, 2014 and again Nov 1 2015 top
We hope you saved the Date, marked your calendar, made your plans, and had a great time at the ...

Ames High School 1964 <a href=AHS gold reunion" title="1964 AHS Ames Iowa Gold Class Reunion" /> 50th Gold Reunion was held June 13-14, 2014 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1325 Dickinson Ave, Ames, IA 50014.

AHS Class of 1964 on Story County Freedom Flight October 6 2015

The photo above was an impromptu reunion of Ames High Class of 1964. The occasion was the Story County Freedom Flight on October 6, 2015. There were over 60 from our class who served. These 6 members participated in the flight with a trip to see a variety of memorials in Washington DC. (Click photo, then click again after it loads for a larger image).

Pictured from the left: Dewayne Knott, Marc Woods, Mike Smith, Robbie Morgan, Chuck Williams and Don Armstrong. It was an incredible experience. Photo and photo text courtesy Mike Smith (1964 AHS), Sioux Falls, SD 57108

All you ever wanted to know about the 1964 AHS reunion can be found by clicking here: https://www.ameshighclassof1964.com/

Click 1964 Facebook group.

note: The dates of the 1964 Ames High School reunion have changed to June 13-14, 2014. Please update your calendar. Thank you.

AHS 40 year reunion June 19 2004 #ameshighclassof1964 #ahs1964 #1964ahs40 #AHSclassPhoto #1964ClassPhoto">1964 <a href=AHS 40 year reunion June 19 2004 #ameshighclassof1964 #ahs1964 #1964ahs40 #AHSclassPhoto #1964ClassPhoto">

Click photo above to zoom. 1964 AHS 40 year reunion June 19 2004

Please pass this great news along to fellow AHS classmates! The Ames High School Class of 1964 50-year reunion is going to be a huge blast!


Cynthia (Nordhagen) Johnson c y n t h i a 5 0 0 2 3 (at) y a h o o (dot) c o m click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Doreen Nervig d o d e n e r v i g [at] h o t m a i l (dot)c om click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

Carol (Carmean) Houge '64

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels

AHS Class of 1974 40-Year Ruby Red Reunion

AHS 1974
Was Held July 25-27, 2014

1974 AHS reunion post created Jan 6, 2014, last updated Jun 27, 2014, and again Aug 19, 2014 and again May 15, 2015 top

Good news:

The good news is, YES! we had a 40th reunion in 2014, on the weekend of July 25, 26, and 27, 2014, and yes, it was big news, it was a big event, it was an amazingly good time!! The bad news is, well, there is no bad news. We hope you saved the Date, marked your calendar, made your plans, and had a great time at the 40-year reunion!

The Ames High School Class of 1974's 40th Ruby Red Reunion
was held Friday July 25th, Saturday the 26th, and Sunday the 27th, 2014

1974 Ames High School 40th Reunion Class Photo July 26, 2014 main floor Scheman Bldg Ames Iowa. Click the photo below

1974 Ames High School 40-year reunion group 2014-07-26 Sat eve Scheman photobyKelsey DSC_0829

1974 AHS 40th Reunion Class Photo July 26, 2014 Benton Auditorium, Scheman Bldg Ames IA. Click the photo below

Ames High School Class of 1974 40 year reunion
Click the above photo from the 40th AHS Class of 1974 reunion or click here to see all 109 AHS 1974 classmates names in this photo, or to view a very large size (easier to see faces) click here. Taken on July 26, 2014. The 1974 AHS 40-year reunion was a blast, the 45th will be even better.


To register for the big 40th AHS reunion event click here. BTW (that means "By The Way") this awesome 40th reunion weekend will be super cheap.

The registration deadline has been extended a 2nd time until July 21, 2014, to the last possible day, the final headcount for the Saturday dinner is due the next day. Most of your 1974 Ames High School classmates have signed up already, but if you suddenly find yourself ready, willing, and able to attend at the last minute, then please sign up. We don't want to miss any classmates.

Are you a procrastinator? Even if you miss every deadline and did not register in time, we still want to see you in the flesh. Yes, you can attend any or all events, with one exception, if you want to have dinner on Saturday you gotta register. Yes, it's even OK to attend the Sunday picnic, its not imperative, but we would like an email or a phone call so we can get you a doughnut or two. And don't forget to RSVP for Robin's Lunch on Saturday (see below). The great, awesome, fabulous 40th event schedule is below or click here.

One more thing: If you find yourself sitting home all alone on Friday July 25th and have a sudden pang that you are missing the time of your life, then for 1974 goodness sake, grab 16 quarters, and get your tukus over to the Bandshell Park at 5pm on Friday July 25th and see all your long lost AHS friends. We 99.99% guarantee you will have happy thoughts for weeks post-reunion.

For those that are still on the fence or are planning on working that weekend click here.

1974 Nostalgia

Central Junior High 1969 Echo Yearbook HR 302 7th grade Ames Iowa

Above. Central Junior High 1969 Echo Yearbook Home Room 302 7th grade Ames Iowa.
Future 1974 Ames High School graduates. Click photo to zoom

1967-1968 Central Junior High East Wing 6th Grade class photo Mrs. Lori Pruessing Room 208 Ames Iowa

Above. 1967-1968 Central Junior High East Wing
6th Grade class photo Mrs. Lori Pruessing Room 208 Ames Iowa.
Future 1974 Ames High School graduates. Click photo to zoom

1974 Top 100 songs 1974 world news. 1974 in sports. 1974 Pop culture. 1974 in film.

106 1974 classmates, two (2) 1973 AHS classmates, and one (1) 1975 AHS classmate, 147 total have signed up for the 1974 AHS 40th reunion as of July 21 2014 !!

click here for a larger view.


If you are not part of the AHS class of 1974 Facebook group you are missing out on aaallllll the photos. We have posted well over 200 photos so far from the reunion. Click this Facebook link, then click join, and you will become a member of the Ames High School Class of 1974 Facebook group and will have access to even more valuable information about the 1974 AHS reunion. There are already 130 members, and you can converstate with some of your 1974 AHS classmates, whom you maybe have not seen, or conversed with in possibly 40 years. Isn't technology just grand? And speaking of Grand, when is the last time you drove down Grand Ave in Ames, IA? Another reason to plan on attending the 40th AHS reunion. Didn't graduate with the 1974 AHS class, but spent quality time with the 1974 AHS grads, and consider us your real class, then join the FB group, or call us, or email, and let us know your address and we will send you an invite. You are all invited.

Schedule of Events for the 1974 AHS 40th Reunion

FRIDAY Evening, July 25, 2014 - Meet and Greet

Friday committee member contact: Ed Hendrickson

5:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday
40th reunion pre-gathering
AHS 40 year reunion Will Gerstein AHS 1981 talking w Sarvinder AHS 1979 Bandshell Park Ames Iowa June 2019">IMG_20190614_183819158 2019-06-14 1979 <a href=AHS 40 year reunion Will Gerstein AHS 1981 talking w Sarvinder AHS 1979 Bandshell Park Ames Iowa June 2019">
Bandshell Park, 6th and Duff Ave, Ames, IA

Ames on the Half Shell amesonthehalfshell.com
Live music: Abby Normal Rockband abbynormalrockband.com/
Cost: $4 (pay your own way) keep your wristband it = 1 free pint of beer at Olde Main.
Most of us will be inside the fence. It costs $4 to get into the fenced in area, but it goes to a good cause. Call or text Ed if you can't find us.
Move over to Olde Main at 7PM
In case of rain, use your own judgement, but if it is raining hard we will move over to Olde Main.

7:00 p.m. to closing, Friday
small pitcher imageAHS Class reunion" /> Meet and greet at Olde Main Brewing Company & Restaurant, 316 Main street, Ames, Iowa.
Food and drink available at your expense.

SATURDAY Morning, July 26, 2014 AHS - Tour

Sat AM committee member contact: Robin (Haugland) Fletcher

10:00 a.m. Saturday
Tour of Ames High School
1921 Ames High Dr, Ames, IA 50010
Ames High School Ames Iowa LogoAHS, Ames Iowa, see the Ames High School Logo in person" /> Mr. Bill Ripp will conduct the tour and share what's old, what's new, and what's in the future for good 'ol Ames High School.
Come to see how AHS has changed in 40 years!

SATURDAY, July 26, 2014 - Lunch at Robin's

Sat Lunch committee member contact: Robin (Haugland) Fletcher

11:30 a.m. Saturday Lunch
Robin's Lunch Soiree (not really a soiree, we just like saying soiree)
Saturday July 26, 2014
location: In Summerset area of Ames, Iowa
Food: walking taco bar and dessert. BYOB
RSVP to Robin via Facebook by clicking here then click going or not going.

Details: Hi everyone, I am inviting all of you to my town home following the AHS tour. It's not very large, but we have a nice grassy area behind it where we could sit, eat, drink, and visit. I'm planning on having a walking taco bar and dessert. We'd love to see everyone! BYOB (lawn chair if available).

SATURDAY Evening, July 26, 2014 - Dinner / Program

Sat PM committee member contact: Judy (Brink) Brown

6 p.m. - closing
dinner plate of foodAHS Class reunion" /> Scheman Building, Iowa State Center, Ames, IA.
The main event of the weekend - have dinner, meet classmates and friends, take photos, catch up, reminise.

SUNDAY Morning, July 27, 2014 - Coffee and Donuts in the Park

Sun AM committee member contact: Betty (Thompson) Grinde

10 a.m. to 12, 1, 2 p.m. or longer, Sunday
Big Bluestem shelterAHS Class reunion" /> Moore Park, Big Bluestem Shelter, 10AM for more fun and conversation with your classmates. Coffee and donuts provided
The shelter is reserved till 4 p.m., so you can stay longer, but will only provide coffee and donuts until they run out.

Big Bluestem Shelter, Moore Memorial Park, 3050 Northridge Pkwy, Ames IA.

Entire weekend cost
only $35.00 ($10.00 discount on second and subsequent purchases)
Register here.

Addresses needed:

The following 1974 AHS classmates postal addresses are needed so we can mail a postcard. The names below are in-care-of someone else, or we do not have an address at all. If you know any of these classmates current address or email, please contact any of the reunion committee members below. We are only going to send one mailing for this reuinon, so it is important that we have all these addresses.

Diane (Brown) Mills, Cynthia (Clendaniel) Clendaniel-Rytkowski, Ann Edwards, Lynette Gilmore, Gregg Gourley, Michael Moore, Jon Michael, Louisa Panagides, Diane Sherod, Rosemary Vansice, Alice (Vinograde) Krall, Cydne Winburn.

Help wanted:

A planning committee has formed, but if would like to help (and we would love for you to help) with the planning or with the event itself, or if you have any ideas how you can help, please let us know (email any of the contacts below), we don't want to exclude anyone from any of the fun. If you graduated from Ames High School in 1974, or you missed it by "that much", and almost graduated in '74, or your parents moved you away from beautiful Ames, Iowa before you could graduate and you feel connected in any way to the AHS class of 1974, then yes, of course you are invited to attend the 40th reunion.

Smiles wanted:

The photo below is from the 30th reunion held in 2004, see how happy everyone is, see all the smiling faces at the 30th, we promise it will be even better at the 40th!

If you don't see your smiling face in the photo below, then make it your 2014 New Years resolution to attend. As Captain Picard would say: "Make it so". If you have never attended a reunion, then YOU will never know how amazing they are. Who else can you claim to have known for more than 50 years besides your family? AHS 1974 Class Reunion group photo - click for larger image.
Click the 1974 AHS group photo (taken July 31 2004) above to find many more photos from the Class of 1974 AHS 30th reunion held in 2004.


Judy (Brink) Brown, chairperson + Sat eve contact j u d y.br own1974 (at) g m a i l (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Dan Strodtman, Treasurer + Classquest registration. site lu mus45 (at) m s n (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Ed Hendrickson, Fri eve contact + AHSAA web site e d h (at) a m e s w e b (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Betty (Thompson) Grinde, Sun AM contact + Memorabilia b e t t y (at) c g f i n a n (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Robin (Haugland) Fletcher, Sat AM tour contact + special invitations fle tch e rr 74 (at) gm ail (dot) co m click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Kirk Farrar, Facebook contact k i r k f a r r a r (at) y a h o o (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Cindy (Rutter) Jacobson, Sat PM decorations c l j a c 5 6 (at) y a h oo (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Linda Welch, Memorabilia contact l i n d a w e l c h a r t (at) g mail (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Paula (Allison) Edwards, Memorials contact s t a g e d t o s e l l s d (at) live (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

Ed Hendrickson '74

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels

AHS Class of 1979 35-Year Coral Reunion

AHS 1979
Was Held June 6-8, 2014

1979 AHS reunion post created Oct 27, 2013 and updated Mar 26, 2014 and again June 10, 2014top
You saved the date, you marked your calendar, you made your plans, and after 35 years you attended the ...

The amazing, spectacular, stupendous Ames High School Class of 1979 "Coming Home" 35th Coral Reunion was held June 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2014

Click here for Friday June 6th 2014 AHS 35th reunion photos

Ames High School 1979

1979 35th reunion events schedule: PDF

Fri Eve, June 6, 2014. Fri photos are here

5:00 - 8:00 p.m
small pitcher of beer imageAHS Class reunion" /> Ames on the Half Shell (band tba)
Band Shell Park - 5th & Duff
$5/person & wrist band gets you free beer at Olde Main, DG’s Tap, or Corner Pocket

8:00 - 2:00 a.m
DG’s Tap House (band tba)
Main Street
$5 Cover & Cash Bar

Sat Morning, June 7, 2014

10:00 a.m.
Tour of Ames High School
Ames High School Ames Iowa LogoAHS, Ames Iowa, see the Ames High School Logo in person" /> Former Vice-Principle and Latin Teacher, Mr. Bill Ripp, will conduct the tour and share what's old, what's new, and what's in the future for good 'ol Ames High School.
Come to see how AHS has changed in 35 years!

Sat Eve, June 7, 2014

5:00 p.m
5:00 p.m. Happy Hour
6:30 p.m. – Dinner Gateway

Buffet Menu:
Caesar Salad or Pasta Salad,
Slow Roasted Prime Rib or Chicken Parmesan Alfredo,
Green Bean Casserole,
Roasted Red Potatoes,
Chocolate Cake with Carmel Drizzle, or Apple Pie
Cash Bar
(Cost for Dinner is $50/person and doesn’t include costs for Fri. or Sun. Events)

Sun Morning, June 8, 2014

11:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Big Bluestem shelterAHS Class reunion" /> Picnic - Moore Park
3050 Northridge Parkway
(Bring Your Own Food)

Sun Afternoon, June 8, 2014

3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Larry Myer – Acoustic/Folk
Prairie Moon Winery
3801 W 190th St

2.6 miles west of the Moose Lodge on Hwy. 69
$4 Cover - Includes
Complementary Glass of Sangria


Gateway Hotel & Conference Center
has set aside a block of rooms ($109/night for double, queen or king) for us. Rooms will be available for booking after March 22nd, 2014. We encourage you to contact them at 515-292-8600, or 800-367-2637
Reserve your room before Sat. May, 17th 2014 to take advantage of this discounted price.


Payment may be made by check or Paypal & must be received by April 15th 2014
Please make checks payable to Sherri Paul, and mail to:
118 S Russell Ave, Ames, IA 50010

Please include the following information:
Amount of Payment:
Amount of Donation (if applicable)
Maiden Name (if applicable):
Guest’s Name (if applicable):

Paypal payment link is pinned at the top of our facebook page here
call/text/email: Sherri Paul with any questions below Please pass along this reunion news to fellow AHS classmates!


"Sherri Lynn (Stokke) Paul 1979 AHS Alumna", tel:5one5-2three1-14one6 or V e t W i n n e r (at) m s n (dot) com click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

Sherri Lynn (Stokke) Paul '79

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels

AHS Class of 1984 30-Year Green Reunion

AHS 1984
Was Held August 1-2, 2014

1984 reunion post created Feb 27, 2014 top

The Ames High School Class of 1984 had an amazing time at their 30th Green Reunion. Events were held the Evenings of Friday August 1st and Saturday August 2nd, 2014.

We now have a website for the AHS Class of 1984 reunion! To stay up-to-date on the latest reunion information AND to pay and register, please visit www.ames80sreunions.com

Pass this great news along to any and all 1984 classmates! The Ames High School Class of 1984 30-year reunion will be the event of the decade!


Matt "Woody" Woodworth m a t t k w o o d 4 4 (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces

Please update your email on this site (see box below) so we can keep you updated on the reunion.

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

Matt "Woody" Woodworth '84

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels

AHS Class of 1989 25-Year Silver Reunion

AHS 1989
Was Held July 11-13, 2014

1989 reunion post created Dec 29, 2013 and updated Jan 9, 2014 top
You saved the Date, you marked your calendar, you made your plans, and you attended ...

The Ames High School Class of 1989 25-Year Silver Reunion !!! Events were held Friday, July 11th thru Sunday, July 13th, 2014.

1989 AHS Class Reunion Photo

Click photo to zoom.  2014-07-12 1989 25 year reunion Ames High School group photo
Click photo to zoom

We now have a website for the Class of '89 reunion! To stay up-to-date on the latest reunion information AND purchase your tickets, please visit www.ahs89reunion.com

Please join the 1989 AHS Facebook group which has 180+ members.

Date: July 11-13, 2014
Details: TBD (but save the date)

Pass this amazing news along to any and all 1989 classmates!


Tammy Scherr Stegman s t e g m a n (at) m c h s i (dot) c o m click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces
Carrie Stidwell OBoyle coboyle (at) tds (dot) net click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces

Please update your email on this site (see box below) so we can keep you updated on the 1989 reunion.

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

Carrie Stidwell OBoyle '89

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels

AHS Class of 1994 20-Year Emerald Green Reunion

AHS 1994
Was Held June 20-21, 2014

1994 reunion post created July 14, 2013, updated May 18, 2014 top
Save the Date, mark your calendar, make your plans, its here ...

The Ames High School Class of 1994 is pleaseed to announce their 20-Year Emerald Green Reunion was held Friday, June 20th and Saturday, June 21st, 2014.

Schedule of Events

To see the 1994 AHS 20th reunion events schedule, click this PDF


Please join the 1994 AHS Facebook group which already has 186 members as of May 2014


Please complete this quick questionnaire to help your classmates catch up with you and to facilitate some mock awards.

Pass this great news along to any and all 1994 classmates!

The Ames High School Class of 1994 20-year reunion is going to be an amazing blast!


David Smalling d k s m a l l i n g (at) s b c g l o b a l (dot) n e t click email replace (at) with (dot) with . remove spaces

Please provide your email to David Smalling and also update your email on this site (see box below) so we can keep you updated on the reunion.

Is your email current?

Your AHS reunion committee wants to contact you via email, to keep you informed about your reunion + save postage.

Update your email here: view add update search. If that didn't work click contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc

Is your postal mailing address current?

Moved? email the AHSAA your new mailing address, keep the AHSAA updated so we don't loose you, click here contact Ames High School Alumni Assoc , tell us your name, current mailing address, year of graduation + anything else you care to add.

Are you a member? Easy and inexpensive to join. Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA newsletters per year!

David Smalling '94

2014 AHS Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 21 pixels 1954 1959 1964 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1943-1944-1945 Holiday 2014 Calendar Ames Iowa, Ames High School Little Cyclones Tornado logo  width = 23 pixels