Last updated 10/2/2005 |
All AHS Classes
Holiday Get Together
All AHS Alumni, significant
others, friends, elves, whoever
Hosted mostly by late 1970's and early 1980's AHS Alumni
what: 10th
(we think)
All Alumni
Alum, significant others, friends, elves, whoever.
host: Hosted mostly by people from late 70s, early 80s classes.
Olde Main Brewing Co. on Main Street in Ames
how: Cash bar
7 p.m. to 7 a.m. (if we
can find an afterparty), Thursday, Dec. 30, 2004
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AHS Alumni Assoc (from All Class Christmas site held 2004)">email
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Bill Nutty '78
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AHS class of 1944 60th reunion
Planned for 2004!!
A 60th reunion is being planned for the Class of '44, to be held
Saturday, October 2 2004
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AHS Alumni Assoc (from '44 Reunion site held 2004)">email
your current address to the
AHS Alumni Association. To receive all AHSAA
newsletters click here to join AHSAA.
Martha Anderson
AHS 60 Year Reunion">k e n m a r a m e s
(at) a o l . c o m
Martha Anderson '44
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1949 September 11-13, 2004
AHS Class of 1949 55th Reunion Planned for 2004 !!
A 55th reunion is being planned for the Class of '49, to be held
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, September 11-13 2004
Janis Marvin
m a r v i n j e
(at) q w e s t . n e t
The class of 1949 is having its 55th reunion. The headquarters will be at The Gateway Center Hotel.
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AHS Alumni Association. To receive all AHSAA
newsletters click here to join AHSAA.
Janis E Marvin `49
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1954 July 23rd, 24th and 25th, 2004
AHS class of 1954 50th reunion !!
It is time for another reunion and this time, it is the big one, 50 years!!!!!!
July 23rd, 24th and 25th, 2004
Friday Evening, July 23, 2004
Casual Get Acquainted party (hors doeuvres, and cash bar)
Reiman Gardens in the John Mahlstede Building.
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Cost: $20.00 per person
Saturday, July 23, 2004
Saturday evening, we will be in the
Schemen Building, (next to the Hilton Coliseum)
at the Iowa State Center. A social hour will be from 5:00 - 6:00P.M. with a cash bar.
A buffet dinner and program will begin after the social hour.
Cost: $25.00 per person
Sunday, July 24, 2004
A shelter house has been reserved at
Brookside Park for a picnic from 10:A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Picnic is BYOB and food.
Hotels / Motels |
We have hotel/motel listings, in order for you to make room reservations. Hotel numbers 1, 2, & 4 are in close proximity to the Reiman Gardens. | |
1. The Hotel at Gateway Center Elwood Dr. & US 30 Exit 111B Reservations: 1-800-367-2637 Phone: (515) 292-8600 | 3. Starlite Village, Quality Inn & Suites Jct. I-35 & 13th St. Exit 113 Reservations: 1-800-903-0009 2601 East 13th Street Phone: (515) 232-9260 Fax: (515) 232-9260 |
2. Comfort Suites Hotel Elwood Dr. & Hwy 30 2609 Elwood Dr Reservations: 515-268-8808 Phone: 515-268-8808 | 4. Baymont Inn & Suites Elwood Dr. & Hwy 30 2500 Elwood Dr. Reservations: 515-296-2500 |
Committee/Contacts: |
Mary Shahan
1508 Duff Av Ames, IA. 50010 515-232-7305 AHS 50 Year Reunion">m d h o z z i e 1 (at) a o l . c o m |
Sharon Krieger
AHS 50 Year Reunion">k x 2 o f 2 2 5 (at) n e t i n s . n e t |
Don Sprague
AHS 50 Year Reunion">S p r a g u e s D (at) a o l . c o m |
John Welden
AHS 50 Year Reunion">c w e l 2 (at) i a f a l l s . c o m |
Jan Wilson
AHS 50 Year Reunion">j a n w i l s o n (at) m c h s i . c o m |
Please make your reservations as soon as possible. Return the information form and your check payable to the Class of 1954 Reunion. Mail to Mary Shahan. Attendance forms and checks must be returned by Apr 1, 2004.
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your current address to the
AHS Alumni Association. To receive all AHSAA
newsletters click here to join AHSAA.
Mary Shahon '54
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AHS class of 1964 40th reunion !!!
Was held on Friday and Saturday, June 18 and 19, 2004
Update! Click the thumbnail below to see the 1964 AHS 40 year class reunion group photo taken on June 19, 2004 during our fabulous reunion. (hint: F11 key maximizes browser)
Starlite Village,
Quality Inn & Suites
2601 East 13th Street, just off I-35
Phone: (515) 232-9260
Fax: (515) 232-9260
Friday night June 18, 2004
Casual get together
cash bar 7-12 PM
Sat June 19, 2004
9 AM Tour of AHS by Bill Ripp,followed by a bus tour of old
Central, Welch, elementary schools and other points of interest.
1 PM Golf at
Oaks Public Golf Course,
Hwy 69N, Ames, IA.
7-12 PM Dinner and program with cash bar at Starlite
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AHS Alumni Assoc (from '64 Reunion site held 2004)">email
your current address to the
AHS Alumni Association. To receive all AHSAA
newsletters click here to join AHSAA.
Carol (Carmean) Houge
AHS 40 Year Reunion">c a r o l h o u g e
(at) y a h o o . c o m
John Burns
AHS 40 Year Reunion">j b r n s
(at) a t t . n e t
John Timmons
j t i m m o n s
(at) s i n g e r l a w . c o m
Lee and Sherry Sargent
s h e r s a r g
(at) m c h s i . c o m or
l s a r g e n t
(at) t s a r g e n t . c o m
Carol (Carmean) Houge '64
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1984 Reunion last updated 7/21/2004
1984 July 2-4, 2004
AHS class of 1984 20 Year reunion
The class of 1984 20 year reunion was held July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2004
Congratulations to the reunion planning committee and attendees on a successful class reunion! Please see below for a list of classmates that attended. Fun was had by all for a big three-day event. Hope to see all of you and more at the 25th reunion!
Any Web saveey grads out there willing to create/host a reunion web site where we can share pictures from the reunion? The class of 1983 did something similar, check it out at
Approximately 175 attended the Saturday night event and 300 Sunday.Registration form used for this reunion.
![]() |
8:00 pm | Social Hour: Friday was an informal gathering at Wallaby's (located on West Lincoln Way - the old Happy Chef) |
![]() Saturday was jam packed w events! |
8:00 am | Golf: The annual AHS alumni/teachers/guests golf tournament at Veenker AHS 2004 All Classes Golf |
11:00 am
Tour: 1984 Classmate, and current AHS Teacher Chuck Stevens gave a tour of our alma mater (wow things have changed and are still changing!). |
11:30 am
Scavenger Hunt:
In the afternoon 1984 AHS classmate
Jeff Horowitz,
hosted a scavenger hunt that tested
alums Ames knowledge and memory. Alums and guests traveled around town
to old haunts/landmarks trying to solve AHS/Ames trivia questions and
complete a series of "missions"
6:30 pm to 1:00 am |
BBQ: The big event, the reunion gathering at Jeff Taylor's house (just outside of Ames) for a BBQ, beer, and band. |
80's theme and casual attire. The band, "Stone Age" played (in 1984 they were known as "Groovy Apartment"). | |
![]() |
11:00 am to 2:00 pm |
Lunch: The weekend events concluded with a family lunch at Brookside Park at Brookside Park (food, beverages and shelter were provided). Classmates, family and guests attended. |
The following 1984 classmates attended:
Peter Aitchison | Leslie Baker | Mark Bathie | Chris Berdahl |
Matt Boles | Chris Brakke | Nancy Budnik | Kevin Bultena |
Patti Bunting | Dan Burns | Connie Butler | Lynne Cleasby |
Ellen Coady | Earl Crow | Chris Cumming | Perry Ellsworth |
Chris Ewan | Steve Finn | David Flatt | Ethel Fromm |
Kevin Fuhrman | Jeff Gaetano | Laris Galejs | Brian Gardner |
Allsion Geise | Jeff Gibbons | Leeann Gibson | Kathy Gradwohl |
Elizabeth Hallauer | Cory Harms | Chris Haugen | Roger Hegland |
Lori Heins | Monica Hempe | Matt Highbarger | Kristy Hodges |
Jeff Horowitz | Doug Howell | Lisa Huston | John Ingram |
Pat Jackson | Karen Johnson | Anne Johnson | Laurel Knox |
Linday Kopecky | Cam Kottman | Mike Lane | Nhan Le |
Ken Lewis | Paul Livingston | Mark Lohnes | Dave Lynch |
Sue Madden | Brian Madsen | Mark Malenchik | Shannon Martin |
Glenn McPhail | Susie Metzger | Susan Munson | Del Myers |
Nancy Newbrough | Matt Nichols | Brian Niederjohn | Kristy Obrecht |
Alenia Oslund | Dave Ostermann | Tom Pace | Laura Pady |
Diane Parsons | Andy Pepper | Amy Peters | Eugene Powell |
Molly Putzier | Chris Reed | Susanne Riis | Jason Ringgenberg |
Annemarie Rippel | Patsy Romine | John Scott | Dave Shaver |
Peter Sikes | Monte Sjobakken | Lise Sletten | Jeff Smith |
Stefani Sogard | Mike Spear | Lisa Sporrer | Chuck Stevens |
Lisa Tait | Jeff Taylor | Jeff Thielen | Tim Thomas |
Shelli Thompsen | Veronica Toporek | Melinda Vandergaast | Linda Vandevoorde |
Steve Vandevoorde | Mark Walsh | Allyson Walter | Maddy Weber |
Paul White | Molly Willsher | Tim Wilson | Robin Wisner |
Matt Woodworth | Alys Yates |
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AHS Alumni Assoc (from '84 Reunion site held 2004)">email
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AHS Alumni Association. To receive all AHSAA
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Molly (Putzier) Toot '84
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1994 Reunion last updated 8/16/2004 top
Here is the link to the 1994
photos: username: AHS
RSVP Deadline EXTENDED to Friday, June 18 !!!
class of 1994 10
Year reunion
Planned and was held in 2004
The class of 1994 10 year
reunion was held the weekend of July 16th-17th, 2004.
Friday, July 16th, 2004
Molly (Putzier) Toot
t o o t f a m i l y @ h o t m a i l . c o m
replace (at) w @
Is your email current?
Is your postal mailing address current?
Are you a member?
Easy and inexpensive to join.
Dues paying AHSAA members receive 3 AHSAA
newsletters per year!
2004 Calendar
password: AHS
(both in all caps)
photo of
July 17th, 2004
picnic at Moore Memorial Park in Ames Iowa. From Left to Right: Mae Kline, Josh
Dobbs, Emily Barta (62KB)
7:30pm - Informal
Social Gathering
Welch Avenue Station &
The Stomping
Grounds in
Cost: None (Cash
Saturday, July 17, 2004
11:30am – Picnic
Memorial Park in Northridge Subdivision off of 24th Street
Hickory Park will cater
sandwiches, side dishes, water and lemonade
Bring any other beverages and dessert if desired
AHS teachers from 1990-1994 will be
Cost: $6 per person (Kids
eat free!)
1:00pm – Golf Outing
Veenker Memorial Golf Course on Stange Rd.
Shotgun start at 1:00pm
Cost: $42 for 18
holes and a cart or $28 for 9 holes and a cart
7:00pm - Dinner & Party
Scheman Building at the Iowa State Center
Delicious buffet style dinner with music provided by DJ Ron Chieves
Dress is business casual
Cost: $30 per person (Cash Bar)
You should have received the reunion details with a reservation slip in the mail. If you have not yet received this mailing, please contact David at d s m a l l i n g (at) h n t b . c o m. to have your mailing address updated.
Click here for a PDF copy of the Reunion Invitation Please RSVP by June 18th (ignore the invite's RSVP of April 15th).
List of classmates attending the 1994 reunion (as of
Its not too late to send in your reservation.
ID | Last (High School) | Last (Now) | First | Middle | Maiden |
Allen, Jessica | Allen | Terri | Jessica | Elaine | Allen |
Amos, Hope | Amos | Becton | Hope | Yvonne | Amos |
Barta, Emily | Barta | Barta | Emily | Ann | |
Bern, Steve | Bern | Bern | Steve | Anthony | |
Bowman, Judd | Bowman | Bowman | Judd | David | |
Bright, Amy | Bright | Khoundara | Amy | Ann | Bright |
Brunscheon, Sara | Brunscheon | Brunscheon | Sara | Ellen | |
David, Laura | David | Jewett | Laura | Ann | David |
Davis, Angie | Davis | Vierkant | Angie | Lynn | Davis |
Dobbs, Josh | Dobbs | Dobbs | Josh | Charles | |
Drewes, Tom | Drewes | Drewes | Tom | Mitchell | |
Fliehler, Jennifer | Fliehler | Fliehler | Jennifer | Jill | |
Frederick, Zach | Frederick | Frederick | Zach | ||
Goodfriend, Mary | Goodfriend | Hughes | Mary | Regina | Goodfriend |
Harms, Mark | Harms | Harms | Mark | Dean | |
Hetzel, Amanda | Hetzel | Rasmussen | Amanda | Elizabeth | Hetzel |
Hutchison, Allison | Hutchison | Cluphf | Allison | Marie | Hutchison |
Jones, Becca | Jones | Davis | Becca | Kathleen | Jones |
Kannel, John | Kannel | Kannel | John | Raymond | |
Kindred, Cori | Kindred | Westgate | Cori | Kindred | |
Kline, Mae | Kline | Kline | Mae | ||
Knutsen, Megan | Knutsen | Knutsen | Megan | ||
Lewis, Nathan | Lewis | Lewis | Nathan | Wayne | |
McGee, Susie | McGee | McGee | Susie | Emma | |
McWaters, Phil | McWaters | McWaters | Phil | Brian | |
Moen, Chris | Moen | Moen | Chris | Alan | |
Murphy, Moira | Murphy | Murphy | Moira | Kathleen | |
Myers, Beth | Myers | Skluzacek | Beth | Anne | Myers |
Orth, Brooke | Orth | Ploessl | Brooke | Michele | Orth |
Parrish, Brian | Parrish | Parrish | Brian | Dexter | |
Redmond, Dan | Redmond | Redmond | Dan | Edmond | |
Reed, Anna | Reed | Stagg | Anna | Kristine | Reed |
Salvo, Carrie | Salvo | Peterson | Carrie | Michelle | Salvo |
Skaff, Jana | Skaff | Janosik | Jana | Lyn | Skaff |
Smith, Ketra | Smith | White | Ketra | T. | Smith |
Wiegand, Tina | Wiegand | Colburn | Tina | Maria | Wiegand |
Williams, Daniela | Williams | Williams | Daniela | Lynn |
Planning Committee
Jamie Adair, Emily Barta, Cassie (Dunham) Bowman, Jana (Skaff) Janosik,
Laura (David) Jewett, Jessica (Hugdahl) Manske, Jessi (Donnell) Marquesen, Kate (Krogmeier) McWaters, Moira Murphy, Jenn (Leek) Peterson, Amanda (Hetzel) Rasmussen, David Smalling, Anna (Reed) Stagg, and Angie (Davis) Vierkant.
Please take a minute to fill out this
survey to tell your classmates about yourself since
graduation. Please email your survey in Word format
AHS Class of 1994 Survey">u n c a r 1 1
(at) h o t m a i l . c o m or mail your survey to Cassie Bowman, 26 Watson
St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02139.
Help us Locate our Classmates!
The lost list is shrinking but we would still like to locate all of the following lost 1994 classmates. If you have a mailing or email address for anyone listed below, please send your information to David at d s m a l l i n g (at) h n t b . c o m replace (at) w @
Thank you!
1994 lost list last updated 5/26/2004:
Roland Anderson, Ryan Anderson, Cory Armstrong, Heather Beaman, Kerri
Beckman, Bronwen Benbow, Matt Bland, Jeff Booms, Dan Bovenmyer, Shantel
Brower, Amy Brown, Shane Buck, Jesse Coats, Heidi Conis, Michael
Darkoh-Ampem, Andre Darlington, Dawn DeClute, Suzy Dietz, Angie
Ellmaker, Hank Evans, Jehan Faisal, David Faux, Melissa Haynes, Yi-Chuh
Hou, Summer Jones, Joyce Kim, Duke Knapp, Tommy Koch, Greg Kozak, Tracy
Larson, Helen Lueth, Xiao Luo, Heather McDorman, Karin Messenger, Amy
Mullica, Roy Nichols, Mike Ogbourne, Sue Pak, Matt Parsons, Richard
Patterson, Dawn Petersen, Jimmy Polston, Elaina Prochaska, Matt Sapp,
Nick Schult, John Sherman, Jason Slater, Layli Springer, Becca Stott,
Jay Wacker, David Wagner, Jennifer Whitehead, Monica Wilke
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Cassie (Dunham)
u n c a r 1 1 (at) h o t m a i l . c o m replace(at) w @
David Smalling
d s m a l l i n g (at) h n t b . c o m replace(at) w @
David Smalling '94
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