AHSAA Membership Form 1.7

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Mail to: Ames High School Alumni Association, 1801 Ridgewood Ave, Ames, IA, 50010. Include check payable to AHSAA. Thank you.
New Latest AHS Alumni Association 2020 directories for sale, hot off the press $25 free shipping
Dec 1 2020 AHS Alumni Assoc. Directory    
Dec 1 2020 AHSAA Directory. Was $25.00, now only $15 free shipping
or $10 you pick up. Published Dec 1 2020. Print legibly.
Order an additional directories, AHSAA will mail to them. Thank you!

Directory order #1 -- mail to:

Full Name ______________________________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________________________

Directory order #2 -- mail to:

Full Name ______________________________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________________________

Total # directories ordered _________ Total amount enclosed: $ ______________

Join or Renew AHSAA membership
Circle membership dues enclosed U.S. mailing address: 1 yr $10 2 yrs $18 3 yrs $25 International mailing address: 1 yr $20 2 yrs $36 3 yrs $50

Additional Donation enclosed:  $ ________________ Memorial enclosed $ ________________

In memory of _________________________________________________________________________________

Full Name _________________________________________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________________

Graduation # __________ (first # on newsletter label) Graduation Yr: ____________

City ______________________________________________________ State ________________ Zip _________

e-mail __________________________________________ alternate e-mail ___________________________________

phone _____________________________________ (mobile) _________________________________________ (home)

Birth Date _____________________ If married, is your spouse an AHS grad? ________ If so, what year? ________

First and last name of spouse (maiden name of wife) ________________________________________________

Your father's first and last name _____________________________________________________________

Your mother's first and maiden name _________________________________________________________

Names and addresses of brothers and sisters who graduated from AHS __________________


Names of other relatives who graduated from AHS _____________________________________


Name and address of someone who will always know your address _______________________


Suggestions / comments for the AHAA (special events, newsletter ideas, anything) ___________


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