Thank You AHS Alumni and Friends
Thank you AHS Alumni, friends and others who have generously sent memorial and donation gifts to the Ames High School Alumni Association. We really appreciate your kind donations and memorials.
If you care to send a memorial, a contribution, or a donation to the Ames High School Alumni Association please include a note telling us what you would like the donation used for. Send your contribution to:
1801 Ridgewood Ave
Ames, IA, 50010
The old AHS address was 1921 Ames High Drive and is now obsolete
Most are personally acknowleged by a thank you note from AHSAA
Both the AEF and AHSAA are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. Donations to both the Ames Education Foundation and the Ames High School Alumni Association are tax deductible.
Ames High School Alumni Association is an arm of the Ames Education Foundation (AEF), the AHSAA rides their coattails. The Ames Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, therefore so is the AHS Alumni Association
All about the AEF and their IRS tax status. Click Here
Information about the AHSAA listed on the AEF website. Click here
As we have room we will also acknowlege memorials in the AHSAA newsletter.
Donations to the AHSAA have made it possible to provide 50+ scholarships over the years to Ames High School seniors and also to enable support to many worthwhile Ames High School projects. The AHSAA membership dollars cover the cost of the newsletter while the donation dollars allow the AHSAA to do "extras".
As a note, all memorial funds received go entirely into the Memorial Scholarship Fund that awards an annual schalarship to at least a second generation Ames High School Senior. Other donations can be specified to go to this Fund if desired. All our AHSAA Scholarship winners are announced on the front page of our AHSAA newsletters, which you can find here.
In addition to memorials and contributions to the Ames High School Alumni Association, you can also contribute to the Sheila M. Walsh Memorial Scholarship, and also directly to our parent organization, the Ames Education Foundation (AEF)
A big THANK YOU to Bill Ripp for sending thank you notes and letters for 35 years !!! You are amazing Bill! Thanks!